Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Still standing ....(+ musical accompaniment)

Hi everyone, just a very quick note to say I'm here, and I'm fine. Lump is still omnipresent, and I seem to have developed a rather comical limp on that leg, but otherwise life is as normal. In fact, since the tin-openers got back (a whole week late due to some volcano!!!), life has been very good - I even get chicken every night (bliss).

Would prefer to have a few more days lounging in the sun (ha, ha!), but have made the most of every scrap of warmth. In fact, can't decide whether I prefer the back or the front garden at the mo, the cherry trees or the magnilia - what a choice for a discerning cat! And there are lots of brids to entertain me, though of course I'm far too mature to chase 'em.

Will try to be a little more regular with my posts. Miaow meantime
