Wednesday, 17 March 2010

holiday countdown

Hi followers - Mac the Cat here, just in from basking in the sun (I LOVE the feel of warm sunshine on my fur - even the bald bits!). Now lounging in a new chair (probably chosen for its place in (you guessed it!) the sun.

Nothing much to report other than frantic activity from the tinopeners - lots of rushing around, phonecalls, fixing of stuff like locks (which I and my kind don't really need, although I do recall an attempt in my youth to give me a collar with a key! No way Jose, this cool dude is not to be nabbled with neck furniture!)

Interested to note that, since my male human did some serious closing of cat-sized spaces doenstairs, there has been no sign of either Dot or Dash. So my food is fairly safe, I suppose - but perhaps best just to EAT it rather than risk sharing! Looking forward to the next lot of creamy stuff - can't belive what they're letting me eat nowadays, but I'm just "lapping" it up, as they say.

Speak to you soon. Purr.


Saturday, 13 March 2010

the [v-word] called *##**!!

[This is a message from MacTavish's tinopeners: So here it is - the nasty news that the tumour is not benign and can't be removed. The good news is that the wee chap is in no pain, and is behaving just as usaul - see his post. The bad news is that we are off to Oz, leaving him in the kind hands of David, who MacTavish likes very much, The vet thinks nothing much will happen in the next couple of months, but we all agree amputation is not an option - he's not such a young chap and would hate that. This is a sad day for us....]

MacTavish's weekend blog: hi followers, it's Saturday, which I like very much. The tinopeners are around, usually more relaxed - tho' something suspicious in their behavious leads me to surmise that THEY ARE PREPARING FOR GOING AWAY! They think I don't know, but I can see the suitcases - and the lists - and the extra ironing - and the foreign money! They seems a bit worried about BRITISH AIRWAYS (I'm naot sure why!). More importantly, a very nice young man called David is coming to stay for a few weeks; I'm looking forward to showing him all the best places for providing a lap suitablefor my use.

The [v-word] has given them some nasty news, but I remind them that I feel great - especially if they would give me MORE FOOD! They are providing lots of extra cuddles and strokes, which is fine too.

Other good news is that the sun is shining and there are several warm places for a mature cat to lounge and gaze at the snowdrops. I love that! I've spent some time on the sunny side across the street, but now I'm ready for the pm siesta in my current favourite chair (apparently I'm unusual for my kind, as I like to try out new places to sleep in. Fortunately my female human likes to move the furniture around, which is very stimulating! Tho' my male human doesn't seem to agree ...)

I notice it's about to get noisy - something called the Six Nations? That usually means lots of extra laps to sit on for a few hours - can't wait.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

WEDNESDAY - but no news yet

So, here we are - the BIG NEWS DAY! But no news (is good news, as they say - I love a cliche... but can't do the accent).

The V-word don't call, and the humans are getting weird - starting to discuss the size and heat of THE TUMOUR ; even whether it should have a name (to ensure its benevolence, would you believe?) I know it's all meant kindly, but what's a cat to do? I've never been through this experience - humans gazing down at me looking sad and concerned, lots of pats and strokes (tho' not really enough food!). Even Dot and Dash, the neighbourhood thugs (Abyssinian via Australia, and I'm NOT joking!) seem to be avoiding me a bit - tho' they still steal my food and howl at each other on my wall.

Lovely spring sunshine invited me to a lounge on top of the BBQ (I love warm metal!) - such a treat after all that snow and cold. Just really looking forward to summer ....

Friday, 5 March 2010

today at the v!!!****#####

Hi everyone (well, followers I think you are called - I'm very new to blogging so bear with me - not a very cat thing to say that, ha, ha!)

Right now I'm not in a very good mood. I've been left sitting out in the freezing cold for at least five minutes, with the added indignity of NO FUR on my left shoulder. I think I've got frostbite. Now this shoulder [which I agree has a rather big swelling] has caused me no problems at all, but those humans I live with went into a bit of a panic and took me to the [v-word] this morning. The [v-word] who's a very nice young man incidentally, tried to take some blood tests, but I soon put a stop to that. Unfortunately, I couldn't prevent him sending me off to sleep, and when I woke up they'd SHAVED FUR OFF MY SHOULDER, and PUT A SATELLITE COLLAR ROUND MY NECK - like some dumb canine. Can you believe this?

The not-so-perfect humans turned up to collect me, and paid a fee appropriate to the dignity of my purfect self (they turned a bit pale actually); apparently the [v-word] had told them that he suspected I have a TUMOUR, but it's not in the bone and next week they will be told the result of the biopsy - and WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! So watch this space for further exciting developments.

Later: I've been looking suitably fragile, with the hoped for result of a bowl of cream (forbidden by the [v-word] for the past year, but hey, what do [v-word] s know! I've pursuaded them to remove the collar-thing, and I've had a little lounge/purr/looked sweet, etc -the stuff they like, you know. Now I'm going to have a little rest - and maybe some more cream...